Cool To Know (CTK): EU Emission Zone

On another post, we were pondering about trends in IAA, and got our curiosity ticked about emissions. Here we did a little research on emissions, and in particular, the EU Emission Zone.

First off, the Emissions Zone map: see the picture below but you can check the full map here

What are the takeaways from this?

  • Zero Emission Zones (Purple) can be found in London, Copenhagen, Paris and most of the Netherlands. 
  • Low Emissions Zones (Green) are many more places. Which we personally quite adore to see! What are the restrictions there to enter with self-powered refrigeration unit with diesel engine? 

We found a  report on Heavy-Duty Vehicles monitoring from 2021, and on emissions, a quote about emission levels piqued our interest, as stated here:

"The truck's refrigeration unit has been measured. With 26 grams of NOx [Editor's note: Nitrous Oxides] per hour, the emissions were half of the emissions of the truck with a heavy Euro VI engine. The emissions from the refrigeration unit are about the same level as a standard truck with a Euro VI engine." (Dutch In-service Emissions Measurement and Monitoring Programme for Heavy-Duty Vehicles 2021 )

You can read the full report here. We will try to dig deeper and report back for new findings a little later during long winter dark evenings.

In our understanding, Self Powered Road Transport Refrigeration unit does not need battery yet. The Netherlands, London and Paris are a fraction of the whole international refrigerated goods transportation. Frigoblock, TRS or vehicle powered refrigeration units should be enough for the last mile deliveries in the cities or densely populated areas.

What are your thoughts?

Report source:

TNO. (n.d.). Dutch In-service Emissions Measurement and Monitoring Programme for Heavy-Duty Vehicles 2021 .

Cool To Know (CTK): EU Emission Zone
CTK Refrigerations September 26, 2024
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